Trust in the Lord!
Hey everyone!
Wow, what a rough journey for Prince Hubert, or, should I say, “Hugh?”
Boarding a rowboat in the dead of night, bound for a foreign land, Hugh is forced to make the hardest decision of his life. Should he take things into his own hands (like he always does), or humble himself and trust his kidnapper? Okay, you might be thinking, isn’t that taking things a little too far? I mean, the guy just kidnapped him. It makes sense Hugh was a little wary. Yet, in the midst of confusion, fear, and chaos, unbeknownst to Hugh, there is a greater choice presented:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Last week we discussed how suffering produces endurance. This week we will learn how endurance produces character. It has been said that "character can only be developed upon the anvil of suffering, but only those who surrender will receive the character benefits of that suffering," (Dr. Mark Hamby). In 2nd Peter chapter 1 we learn that by all diligence we are to add to our faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge. The word virtue in Greek carries the idea of manly valor. That is what Prince Hubert must possess before he can become king. Let’s see if his suffering will be put to good use.
Gone! are his long, curly locks. Gone! are the fine, princely clothes. Gone! is the name Prince Hubert. He will, “wear the clothes of peasants and be the servant of many and the master of none.” No longer will he tell others what to do. This is the training for a king.
Confused, hurt, and angered, Prince Hubert outwardly promises not to run away, yet inwardly plots his escape.
When things were spiraling out of control, rather than act in obedient faith, the young prince re-acts in fear. He blatantly disregards his promise and runs away…straight into danger—and a loss of the character that could have been his.
Suddenly, a wolf comes upon him, and it looks as if everything is about to go horribly wrong. But God provides an unlikely hero at the last second; his kidnapper! Hope is not lost for our young prince.
As we’ll see throughout this challenging story, filled with twists and turns, God never leaves nor forsakes Hugh. He faithfully teaches the young prince in the most creative ways. Will Hugh learn the important lessons of trust and obedience? Will he ever see his father again?!
Join us in this riveting series to find out what happens next.
Till next time!
Molly Mayo
(And long-term enthusiast of Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince)